Nicole:: Senior 2009
I guess I have my sister to thank for this session. She's one of my biggest fans, and always displays my latest work to her co-workers at St. John's Clinic in Ozark, MO. It was on one of my many visits there, that I met Dia, who informed me that her daughter was a senior this year and still in need of some senior pictures. Meet Nicole; a senior at Ozark High. She's on the diving team and the varsity cheerleading squad, and.... she's absolutely beautiful!

I'm sure most people who live in Ozark think that it doesn't have much to offer, but I strongly disagree. This town was busting at the seams with cool places and backgrounds. I could have shot all day... and I almost did :)

I love these pictures! Especially with Nicole at the gate. Once again you did an incredible job! Love ya!, Diana
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