Joah :: 6 months
Last weekend my sister and her husband came up for a visit, along with my nephew, Joah. I can't believe he is six months old now! He is getting so big, and so active. I have never seen a baby smile or laugh so much. He is such a happy boy, which makes for a very happy Aunt! Poor Joah didn't realize what he was in for when he came to visit Aunt Chrissy... hours of photos :)

We did a few shots in my front living room... he was such a character!

... and then he let me know he'd had enough

I would pay money to know what was going through his head in the shot below.

So darn cute! I can't stand it!

I can't get enough of the cuteness!

Poor Joah, mommy bought him a giraffe outfit for halloween; Jay wanted a lion costume....grrrrr.

I know I'm not a mommy yet... who knows, this may be as close as I get; I don't know what the future holds for me. I'm in love for sure!
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