It's Fall!!
My favorite season is finally here! I love Fall, I love the colors, I love the feel and smell of the cool crisp air. I love the way the sky turns that deep color of blue. I love blue jeans and long sleeve t-shirts. I love bonfires outside and roasting marshmallows. I'm in love with Fall!
On to other news... We have a new addition to our household... meet Chippie. We've seen him for quite some time now, but have only recently began making contact and feeding him. My parents came in for a visit over the weekend, and my Dad became quite good friends with him; he even got him to eat right out of his hand. Today, after I got home, I took out a handful of walnuts and my camera. He was less than a foot away in most of the shots below.

Okay, I know, pretty cheesy... but I couldn't help myself and had to set up a little scene :)

As you can tell from the shot below, he was quite the little pig.

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