Shanna & David :: engagement 5-24-08
I love this couple! I've known Shanna for several years now, and admire her deeply. She has been waiting for this man and this day for years! They met last December and plan to marry this July. You can find out their story by clicking HERE. I love this one below. These two were amazing to work with. Their passion for each other was evident in each shot I took. I asked the two of them to share with me a bit about their relationship. David told me that Shanna is his miracle confirmation of God's relationship to!
Shanna replied by saying that David is the reality of the dream that God had put in her heart when she was a little girl. They both agree that they are God's choice for one another!
I love it!!!! We had so much fun with you, thanks for all you do and the excellence with which you do it. Love you Lady! Shanna
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