Cheesecake in the Raw
You may remember my post a while back on our recent decision to live a healthier life. We're going on five weeks now, and so far so good. We do feel better, and definitely more healthier than we have felt in quite a while. It's also been fun discovering ways to create meals without all the sugar and processed ingredients. For now, we're completely vegan... that's right no meat, and no dairy, and nothing processed or refined. We eat organic, and raw as much as possible. Just how long we'll stay 100% vegan, I'm not sure... I guess as long as possible.
Tonight, I decided to try a vegan version of a cheesecake. Here are some of the ingredients I used for the "cheese" portion.

My crust consisted of pecans and raisins. I soaked the pecans overnight, and then mixed them together with the raisins in a food processor. The "cheese" mix was then poured over the crust (which was in a springform pan) and then placed in the freezer for a few hours.
The final product.

It was actually quite good, and I ended up having two pieces. I will definitely make this recipe again. Maybe next time I'll use a little cacao :)
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