Family, Cake, and Sunshine...
This past weekend, Paul and I headed down to southeast Missouri to spend some time with my family, and to celebrate my nephew's 2nd birthday. I know I've said it before, but I love going back home... no matter where I end up in life, it will always be home for me.
I can't believe this little guy is 2yrs old already.

Paul enjoyed playing with Joah's blocks. He's convinced he's turning into an old man, but here's proof that he's still a kid at heart :)

Joah LOVES his trains! So cute!

T-ball with Daddy!

My Dad still has some youth left in him. He looks so natural with the football :)

Here's the reason I don't like photographing my subjects with them facing into the sun.

Paul had to show off his football skills and his new ability to do the crane thanks to P90X.

I snapped these two as Joah was talking with Grammie... not quite sure what he thought about their talk

I thought the weekend was all about Joah, but my family surprised me with an early birthday party that Saturday evening. I had no idea and felt so loved!


My cake was absolutely fabulous!

Dad apparently likes to stock up on wood. I don't think they'll have any wood shortages anytime soon :)

Both of those cakes look AMAZING!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to you! So, who's the professional cake artist in your family?
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