Hunkering Down...
Kansas City is currently facing it's 5th winter storm of the season... And winter has only officially been here for 2 1/2 weeks! It's during days like these, where nothing I do keeps me warm, and the snow continues to pile up outside, that I question my choice in living here. If I could, I would join the birds and fly south for the winter... yes, the entire winter. However, since I am committed to things here, and have yet to develop the ability to fly, I shall do my best to make the best of it. Today, I have decided to pull out some DVDs with seminars from some of the industry's best photographers, and take my plight of being stuck indoors, and turning it into a chance to hone in on my skills, and expand my knowledge base. I am rather excited for this new year. I've had a chance to meet some awesome brides, and am looking forward to all this year will bring. I mean, how cool is my job?! Shooting weddings are like attending a party every weekend! I have the ability to witness and capture one of the most important events in a couple's lives! I can hardly wait for the season to begin! Winter, I know you just arrived, but I am already done with you, so you may feel free to leave at any time.

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