What I'm Thankful For...
Since starting my business, I've had many opportunities to work with children. With today being Thanksgiving, I find I have much to be thankful for... especially for my opportunities and experiences with children. When you are with a child, it doesn't matter how much money you make, or how beautiful you are... whether you wear designer clothes, or even if you've put on a few pounds... all that matters to them, is that you love them with all that you have, and take time to just "be" with them. You don't have to dazzle them with great talent or skill... in their world, none of that matters.
We try our best to raise and teach our children, but in the end, they end up teaching us. They show us that it's the simple things in life that mean the most, and that life is a gift.... a priceless gift that is given to us in moments. The only question we are left to answer, is, how will we live out those moments?
For me, I want to live through the eyes of a child. At the grocery store the other day, I watched a young boy ride the mechanical horse. The look on his face was so innocent, and carefree. It was the look of someone who had yet to encounter struggle and stress, heartache and pain.
Yes, to live through the eyes of a child would be my desire. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for life and it's simplicity; for the tiny miracles around me every day.... And I am thankful for children who remind us just how fun and special life can really be.
I hope everyone had a wonderful, and safe Thanksgiving... and since posts are always better with images, I thought I'd throw in a couple from my day with my family.

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