Meanwhile...Back at the Ranch
For the past few nights, my husband and I have been doing a very rare thing.... we turned off our TV and read... Yes, read. We read books. Crazy huh? I grew up reading tons of books... I would even read while eating. I loved getting lost in a story or living out an adventure through the letters on a page.
Paul and I are currently in the process of searching for an apartment, and last weekend, after a day of searching, we ended with a trip to Barnes and Noble. I love going there! The smell of Starbucks and paperbacks attack my nostrils as I enter through the heavy double wooden doors. Each shelf is neatly lined with books of all shapes, sizes, colors and textures. Each one promises a new adventure... deep mysteries and new levels of knowledge and creative thinking. Paul headed straight toward the finance and trading aisle... I, of course, made myself at home in the photography and business section. If you were to try and find me there, I would be the one sitting on the floor surrounded by books :) So now, I have four shiny new books sitting on my nightstand, and I've already started reading each one. I'm so excited to read each of them that I start them all at the same time instead of waiting to finish one and move on to the next... I've never been good at waiting :)
Well, I know these images are old news, Memorial Day was ages ago, but better late than never :) Paul and I spent Memorial Day with some good friends of ours... Jack Stack catered. They are amazing!!!

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