Tis the Season... to be posting
Well, the holidays are over, and I am finally settling down. I am so amazed at how fast time flies these days... too fast in my opinion. But with the close of every year brings the promise and hope for something better. I am a sucker for promises... I have this crazy habit of taking people at their word. I also tend to hang onto hope as if it's being discontinued. I am looking forward to an amazing year and looking back with a humble gratefulness. I have been given more than I deserve and blessed far beyond anything I could have ever imagined!
A huge part of that blessing is my family. I am so grateful for them and am truly grateful for the gift I have in them! Paul and I headed to my parents in southeast Missouri the weekend before Christmas; there, we met my sister and brother and their families. I always have so much fun hanging out with my family, and this time was no different... perhaps one of the best times. Joah is just now beginning to walk ( I know! He's only 10 months old!) and he smiled and laughed the entire weekend. Below are a few images from my holidays; I know they may not mean much to you as my reader, but they mean the world to me! If time allows, I may post a few more later this week.

My grandma reading to her great- grandson... so precious!

My brother and Joah were two peas in a pod... I think Joah had withdrawals after we all parted ways.

Our traditional hanging of the stockings.

Joah by his big gift on Christmas morning.

Paul got an ax from my sister and her husband... He looks so happy... it makes me a little worried that I might not have any trees left in the near future.

I had to throw this one in. I take care of Nicky quite a bit and captured this moment of him watching his train go around the Christmas tree.

Paul on our Christmas morning back here in Kansas City. Not sure if I was wise with this purchase. There are moments (sometimes hours) when I began to regret it :)

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