Gonzalez Family

Posted by Sandberg Photography at 10:21 AM 1 comments
I hate disease. It rips the body apart, and destroys life. Cancer is among the worst. The very mention of it's name strikes fear and despair. In the past year, Paul and I have had numerous family members diagnosed with one or more types of this ugly disease. It's made us frustrated, even furious. We're at war with this vile illness, and sadly most are losing.
For those who know me, you know I'm stubborn, strong-willed... a fighter. I don't like to give up and walk away. I like to make things happen, and prepare for things before they happen. I've secretly always wanted to be a boy scout... just ask my husband.... I have a first aid kit and car repair kit stored in my jeep, as well as mace and toilet paper, cause you just never know....
So, in light of the illness in our families, and with my knack of being prepared, Paul and I have begun researching on health and diet, and the powerful correlation between the two. We're going Au Naturale so to speak. Here's a little glimpse into our new venture...
Posted by Sandberg Photography at 10:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: personal
I love photography. There's no question about it... It consumes almost every waking moment. But even the things you are most passionate about, can become the very thing that wears you down. I found myself in such a situation.... in a place where I focused all my attention and energy on capturing and creating moments and memories for other people... I failed to take time out for myself. I failed to create my own memories. I failed to take care of my passion. I needed to fall in love again.... fall in love with photography.... fall in love with life. So... over the 4th of July, I quit my job... just for a few days. No deadlines, no album designs or lightroom editing. No phone calls or email, or blog stalking.
Paul and I headed north for our annual trip to Minnesota... and to a breath of fresh air in our lives. We spent 5 relaxing days in a tent, in a hammock, by the lake, by the campfire, canoeing the St. Croix river, and kayaking on Clear Lake. It was bliss.
Posted by Sandberg Photography at 10:18 PM 0 comments
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