The most wonderful time of the year
I can't believe how much time has gone by since I last posted; in fact, it's a little embarrassing. I was so sure that things would slow down after my wedding season ended; I forgot to factor in all the end of the year photo orders and albums to design! It's all good though, I am finally caught up and ready to relax for a couple of weeks.
Thanksgiving has come and gone and now Christmas is right on top of us. I look forward to this time all year long, and can't wait to celebrate with family and friends. Over Thanksgiving, my parents came up for a quick visit and we were able to capture a few shots.

I know my husband secretly enjoys it when I "force" him into a photo shoot. I can't help it though... he's such a stud!


I love my parents! I am so grateful and honored to have them. They have always been so supportive and have given more than I could have ever asked for. I am so lucky!

Can you believe these two are over 50?