Opal & Cole: 8/18/07
This was probably the most involved I've been in a wedding since my sister got married back in 2004. Opal and Cole booked with me on somewhat of a short notice (as far as weddings go) back in July. In spite of that, there was plently of time to plan. I was in contact with Jeanie (mother-of-the-bride) almost daily through phone calls and emails. I'm sure, at times, it seemed as if all would not come together in time, but it did. Opal was a gorgeous bride and it was obvious by the look on Cole's face as he saw her for the very first time. Their day had finally come, and apparently this day has been in the making since grade school. Waiting for Opal in her dressing room were ribbon bound "love notes" from Opal to Cole that she had written to him during their grade school years. Cole had kept them all these years. Tears ran down Opal's cheeks as she took a trip to their past through each note. Some she remembered...others were a faded memory.